Main Venue

Main events’ activities will take place at Grand Blue Fafa Resort on the beautiful long beach of Golem, Durres, close to Tirana Airport.

  • Preferable transport from Airport to hotel is taxi from (above price 30-40 Eur). – Additional tickets for Lunches, Gala Dinner and Welcome Cocktail can be bought from Hotel.
  • Additional tickets for excursion can be bought on spot from agency representative.

Grand Blue Fafa Resort main venue.

Special offers for conference participants are available.

Venue Name: Grand Blue Fafa Resort & Spa
Adress: Long Beach, Golem, Kavaje,
Contact number: Albanian Tel: +355697086352
Email contact:
Contact reservations:
You can check the Grand Blue Fafa Resort offers here.

MAIN VENUE IS SOLD OUT, Please try booking one of the other recommended hotels, or accommodation nearby


Recommended accommodation:

Diamma Resort, 300m from the main venue.

Please use the following code for a discount : DSDSEAA CONF
Contact Romina:
You can check the Hotel Diamma Resort offers here.


Premium Beach Hotel, 50m from the main venue.

Please use the following code for a discount: DSD-SEAA CONFERENCE
Contact Sonila:
You can check the Premium Beach Hotel offers here.


Hotel Lyden100m from the main venue.

Please use the following code for a discount : DSDSEAA CONF
Contact information: , +355694601200
Hotel Lyden offers rooms: double (65EUR), triple (70EUR), quadruple (75EUR)
Breakfast, private beach, and parking included.


Hotel Vila Belvedere, 15 minute walk from the main venue.

Please use the following code for a discount : DSDSEAA CONF
Contact information:, +355682063020, Ada Sovjani
Hotel Vila Belvedere offers rooms:
Single rooms: 40EUR with breakfast, 50 EUR HB, 60 EUR FB
Double rooms: 60EUR with breakfast, 80 EUR HB, 100 EUR FB
You can book with this prices until the end of June.

DSD 2023 and SEAA 2023 Social life

During the conferences the organizers will do our best to ensure a rich social life. Every day, after the work activities, the participants will be free to enjoy their social life.

For more information about this events please use the following pdf file.

Link to the DSD/SEAA 2023 Social Life pdf 

  • Preferable transport from Airport to hotel is taxi from (above price 30-40 Eur). – Additional tickets for Lunches, Gala Dinner and Welcome Cocktail can be bought from Hotel.
  • Additional tickets for excursion can be bought on spot from agency representative.