DSD/SEAA 2023 Conference Social Life Events

The organizing committee of the upcoming Euromicro DSD/SEAA 2023 Conference has announced the social life events and excursions planned for this conferences edition.

During the conferences the organizers will do our best to ensure a rich social life. Every day, after the work activities, the participants will be free to enjoy their social life.

Social Life Schedule:

06.09 Welcome Cocktail

Venue: Conference Venue Hotel Grand Blue FaFa (19:30)

07.09 Excursion, 14.30-19.30:
City of Berat, 80 km from the Venue. Preliminary plan
Departure at 14.30 from Conference Venue ; Hotel Grand Blue Fafa
Visit Berat Castle
City tour, main attractions on foot
The Ottoman Bridge of Gorice
Onufri Museum (optional)
Included: transportation with 3 vehicles, professional
guide (3 guide), organizer assistance.
Excursion included in registration.

07.09, Gala dinner, 21:00
Grand Blue Fafa Resort
National dishes and drinks, Live music, folklore, included in registration

For more information about this events please use the following pdf file.

Link to the DSD/SEAA 2023 Social Life pdf 


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