WiP Session, On-line Session (DSD/SEAA) and Projects (PDF)

Call for Papers

The Special Session to present Work in Progress (WiP) during Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) and Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) will be held in Durres, Albania, Sept. 6th – Sept. 8th, 2023.

Download the 2023 WiP Session CfP (PDF format) »


A Special Session related to DSD’2023 and SEAA’2023 is organized to present WORK in PROGRESS (WiP) in areas related the DSD and SEAA Conferences that is mainly aimed at the research and/or development projects (including Ph.D. and advanced M.Sc. projects) that have not yet attained their final or complete results.

Topics of Interest

Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to) the topics covered by the DSD’2023 and SEAA’2023 Conferences that are listed in the Calls for Papers of the DSD’2023 and SEAA’2023 Conferences and their Special Sessions and can be found at: https://dsd-seaa2023.com/dsd/ and https://dsd-seaa2023.com/seaa/

Track/Session Organizers


Submission of Papers: authors intending to participate in the session should submit a short paper (maximum 4 pages) in DOCX (submission template) via submission form no later than by 15 July, 2023.

Accepted submissions will be published in a separate “Work in Progress” Proceedings and WiPiEC Journal, http://wipiec.digitalheritage.me/index.php/wipiecjournal  and are to be presented in the session by short presentations of 10 minutes.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 15 July, 2023
Acceptance Notification: 20 July, 2023
Submission Deadline of Camera-Ready Paper: 30 July, 2023

Paper layout according to standard IEEE layout rules: Paper template for WiP

Further details will be supplied together with the acceptance notification.

Registration fees

  • 1 day Participation at WiP (day of presenting your work): 200 EUR
  • 1 day Participation at WiP for local (Albanian) students (day of presenting your work): 100EUR
  • All days Participation at WiP: 450 EUR

Main Conference Venue

Main events’ activities will take place at Grand Blue Fafa Resort on the beautiful long beach of Golem, Durres, close to Tirana Airport.

Grand Blue Fafa Resort main venue.

Special offers for conference participants are available.

Venue Name: Grand Blue Fafa
Adress: Long Beach, Golem, Kavaje,
Contact number: Albanian Tel: +355697086352
Email contact: grandbluefafa@fafa.al
Contact person: Mr Albulen Ndrepepaj, Manager
Contact reservations: info@fafa.al
You can check the Grand Blue Fafa Resort offers here.

WiP Registration process

  • All submissions are subject to double blind peer review as well as to plagiarism check.
  • For students, registration fees include Conference fees include admission to all technical sessions, welcome reception, lunch and two coffee breaks per day; access to conference proceedings on the internet.
  • Registration fee includes the preparation and publication of submitted work and research for Accepted submissions in published and separate “Work in Progress” Proceedings and WiPiEC Journal, http://wipiec.digitalheritage.me/index.php/wipiecjournal
  • WiP Session Registration instructions PDF
  • WiP Registration fees:

    • 1 day Participation at WiP (day of presenting your work): 200 EUR
    • 1 day Participation at WiP for local (Albanian) students (day of presenting your work): 100EUR
    • All days Participation at WiP: 450 EUR

DSD/SEAA 2023 Works in Progress Proceedings – Journal Edition

DSD/SEAA 2023 Works in Progress Proceedings – Journal Edition PDF